Teil der HSBC BWF World Tour Super 300
Preisgeld USD 250 000.–

18.–23. März 2025, St. Jakobshalle Basel



Whether it being the Swiss number one or the World number one...both of them need you at the court side! You can tell them, if the shuttle has landed INside or OUTside the court! See the correct signs below.

Further informatoin: linienrichter(at)swissopen.com

Important signs for the Linejudge

Shuttle "In"

Point with with a clear and meaningful look with one hand into the direction of your line. Don't be swayed by the players or the spectators!

Shuttle "Out"

Call "Out" with outstretched arms.

Shuttle "Hidden"

By putting your hands in front of your eyes, you signal to the umpire that you have not seen the shuttle landing on the court.


If you are responsible of cleaning the court during the match, you are only allowed to run on court after the umpire has given you the appropriate sign.